Archive for Copyright

Is it memorex, or is it copyright infringement?

Here’s another video mash I saw off of Boing Boing:
Office Space meets the Super Friends

And don’t forget this gem also, from BoingBoing:
Too long have kids been singing this song at birthday parties without paying royalties.


“Legal concerns”

Kayla, Lori, Patrick, Quinn, Sam, and I spoke at Educause about scaling the course we’ve all taught, INF 312 Information in Cyberspace. When developing my section, I wrote a bit about some of the privacy concerns we had. Then I had to include copyright. Then I had to at least mention accessibility. Finally we lumped them into “legal concerns.” It’s not the largest part of the section I talk about. But it’s the part that keeps on slightly expanding. There’s a lot to say there.

There are some serious legal concerns that appear when you move a class online, and some of these aren’t immediately obvious. I’ll write about them a bit more when I make sure that this blog is working correctly. ^_^


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