Star Wars Fans Flee Net Galaxy

From Wired, Wired News: Star Wars Fans Flee Net Galaxy

This certainly doesn’t inspire me in the least to try Star Wars Galaxies, even if the new play is as great as Sony Online claims (I have my doubts, but even if…). I just don’t want to pay money to a company that treats its users so poorly. First, there’s the obvious “if they did it to THEM…” thought. Second, it just seems unjust to sell out your dedicated user base in such a manner.

1 Comment »

  1. said,

    July 23, 2008 @ 3:56 pm

    Yes, I do agree that their customer service sucks, and their whole user-relation system is way off base.

    But Star Wars Galaxies (the game itself) is one of the most fun game I’ve ever played.

    Check out my website at

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